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Tropical Travel

You've probably surfed the net for hours trying to research the perfect vacation, honeymoon or destination wedding location.  They all look beautiful, don't they?  Well I can tell you that the pictures on the different websites can be very deceiving.  I spend many days each year traveling to different resorts, destinations and taking tours, so that I can provide you with firsthand knowledge on the different locations.


Why trust the internet, when my booking services are free?  Let me assist you in selecting the perfect destination and create the dream vacation for you, often times for less than you see online.

Please check your current passport for expiration date to ensure it is valid for your travel. Also please note that a valid US passport is REQUIRED for ALL travelers leaving the United States, including children.  Some destinations including Mexico require your passport to be valid six months after your return date.  Please ensure that your name on your passport matches your airline tickets EXACTLY!

Important Travel Info

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